Golf Workshop

[棕榈泉国际高尔夫学院] 【棕榈泉学院】四种特殊球位的击球要领

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在线会员 发表于 2020-4-15 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

James Alexander Mitchell詹姆斯·米切尔 棕榈泉国际高尔夫学院教学总监

"介绍:詹姆斯6岁便已接触高尔夫,并很快爱上这项运动。青少年时期更是代表英格兰男子球队参加比赛,优秀的球技让他选择在18岁时转为职业选手,并考取了英国PGA职业教练证书。他的巡回赛及教学经历更是遍布全球:BMW PGA锦标赛拉斯维加斯站、Wentworth站,在澳大利亚举办的总裁杯中,都取得了不俗的成绩。由于接触高尔夫较早,詹姆斯对于儿童学球心态的把握为人称道,早在英国教学时,詹姆斯就因儿童教学而闻名,在英国权威学院担任青少年教练的经历也让他获益良多。职业赛场的优异表现让詹姆斯在成人教学方面的经验也相当丰富。无论初学者还是经验丰富的球友,针对性的指导训练都会让他的学员有长足的进步。




When playing on the golf course you can be presented with many situations that require adjustments to be made to your setup position and swing. Knowing how to adjust to sloping ground conditions can really help golfers to improve their performance and lower their scores.

Amateur golfers are often unfamiliar with how to do this because they are so used to practicing from the perfect lie. In this article I will give you some insight into how you should play from the four most common sloping lies. I then hope you will no longer fear these situations on the golf course.






Uphill Lie  上坡球位

When playing from an uphill lie the golf ball is likely to fly much higher than usual and with a lot less distance. This is because the slope of the ground will have the effect of increasing the loft on the golf club.For this reason you should take care with your club selection. For example, when playing from an uphill lie a 7 iron will fly more like an 8 or 9 iron depending on the severity of the slope you are playing from. Bear this in mind and think about taking an extra club or two than you normally would for the distance you are required to hit.



You should also adjust your alignment when playing from an uphill lie so that your club and body are aimed right of the target. The amount you aim right of the target will depend on the severity of the slope. You must do this because when playing from an uphill lie your hands and arms are likely to become more active through impact and this can cause the clubface to rotate closed.



When taking your setup also position the golf ball slightly forward in your stance. It is then extremely important that you ensure your shoulders are setup parallel with the slope so that your spine angle is at right angles with the slope you are hitting from. This will ensure that the angle of approach into the golf ball matches the slope and you can then make good contact with the golf ball. Also feel that your weight slightly favours your right leg.




Downhill Lie 下坡球位 [size=3em]
When playing from a downhill lie the golf ball is likely to fly much lower than normal and with more distance - opposite to the uphill lie. This is because the slope of the ground will have the effect of decreasing the loft on the golf club. Take less club for this reason.



It is likely that from a downhill lie the ball will fly right of where you are aiming because the slope can cause you to hold off the clubface rotation and this will result in the clubface being open at impact. Aim a little left of your target with your body and the club to compensate for this.



When playing from a downhill lie position the ball back a little in your stance and, as with an uphill lie, set your shoulders parallel to the slope. With a downhill lie it is not always easy to a achieve this but regardless, this is the feeling you require. Again, as with the uphill lie, angling your shoulders in this way is very important to ensure that the angle of approach into the golf ball matches the slope and you are therefore more likely to strike the ball correctly. Many people will hit the ground before the ball if they do not make this adjustment.

In the setup also ensure that your body weight favors your left leg. Do not lean back as you hit the golf ball as again this will cause you to strike the golf ball poorly.





Ball Above Feet  球高脚低

When playing from this lie firstly grip lower down on the handle of the golf club. This is because with this slope, in effect, the golf ball will be closer to you and you will naturally stand a little taller. If you grip the club in the normal position you are likely to hit the ground too much.




Ensure that when you setup you also aim right of the target. This is because of the tilt on the clubface when playing from this lie. In actual fact, with shorter clubs, I.e. a 9 iron compared to a 5 iron the tilt on the clubface will become more pronounced resulting in you having to aim further right to compensate. Also, from this lie your swing will become much flatter and more rounded, like a baseball swing. This will result in more clubface rotation through impact causing the clubface to become closed. This further stresses the importance of aiming right of the target when playing with the ball above your feet.



Finally, when you setup feel that your weight is positioned more on your toes as natural gravity will pull you down the hill towards your heels. You should be able to maintain balance throughout the swing much more easily with this adjustment.





Ball Below Feet 球低脚高Out of all of the sloping lies this is the most challenging lie for most amateur golfers. You must firstly ensure that you adopt more of a squatting position when addressing the ball. To achieve this ensure that you have much more bend in your knees.
The big challenge from this lie is getting down to the ball and staying there through impact. The tendency is to pull up or move onto your toes, both of which lead to poor contact. You really have to squat down and lean your rear end into the slope to lower your center of gravity; your weight should be on your heels.

Aim slightly left of target as this lie will result in the swing becoming much more reliant on the hand and arms with limited clubface rotation from this lie can cause the clubface to open and therefore result in the golf ball flying right of the target.
The key swing thought is, maintain the flex in your knees; that will help you stay in your posture.






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