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[西丽] 2016年新版高尔夫规则四大修改|2016EditionoftheRulesofGolfChanges ...

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在线会员 发表于 2015-10-30 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
皇家古典高尔夫俱乐部和美国高尔夫协会本周一联合公布了2016版高尔夫规则的一些重大改变。The R&A and USGA released the 2016 edition to the Rules of Golf on Monday with some significant changes。
新版规则将于明年1月1日正式施行,以下是新规则的4大重要改变:The new Rules take effect Jan.1, 2016. Here are the four primary changes:
1杆数记错未必取消资格(DQ)Limited Exception to Disqualification Penalty for Submission of incorrect Score Card
In this new exception, a player is not disqualified for returning a lower score for a hole than actually taken as a result of falling to include penalty strokes that the player did not know were incurred. Instead, the player incurs the penalty under the Rule that was breached and must add an additional penalty of two strokes for the score card error. In all other cases in which a player returns a score for any hole lower than actually taken, the penalty will continue to be disqualifcation.
2016年新版高尔夫规则四大修改|2016EditionoftheRulesofGolfChanges ...

2依靠身体支点进行推击罚2杆Prohibition on Anchoring the Club While Making a Stroke
The Rule prohibits anchoring the club either“directly”or by use of an “anchor point”in making a stroke. The penalty is loss of hole in match play or two strokes in stroke play. This is NOT AN EQUIPMENT RULE.
2016年新版高尔夫规则四大修改|2016EditionoftheRulesofGolfChanges ...

3预备推击时球动了,不一定罚杆Withdrawal of Rule on Ball Moving After Address
This Rule assessed a one-stroke penalty if a ball at rest moved after it was addressed. Now a one-stroke penalty will be applied only when the facts show that the player has caused the ball to move.
2016年新版高尔夫规则四大修改|2016EditionoftheRulesofGolfChanges ...

4比赛中首次使用训练器具,不被DQModification of penalty for a Single Impermissible Use of Artificial Devices or Equipment
The penalty for a player's first breach during the round has been reduced from disqualification to loss of hole in match play or two strokes in stroke play. The penalty for any subsequent breach of Rule 14-3 will continue to be disqualification.
2016年新版高尔夫规则四大修改|2016EditionoftheRulesofGolfChanges ...

“我想我们一直秉持着一种观点,我们总是希望采取合适的处罚,我们非常清楚取消参赛资格是非常严厉的情况,” R&A规则及球具标准执行总监大卫-里克曼(David Rickman)说,“从竞赛中驱除出去是我们应该谨慎采取的措施,而且要应用得当。我们感觉这是朝正确方向迈出的一步。”“We continually look at ways we can improve and clarify the Rules of Golf,” said David Rickman, the R&A’s executive director of rules and equipment standards. “The R&A and the USGA collaborate closely and we consult with our respective national and international advisory members to produce a code of rules that is relevant to all golfers around the world.”

Knowing the Rules is important for all golfers. Although the rules of golf can be very complicated and you cannot expect every golfer to know all the rules. However,it is important that all golfers understand the basic rules that you may come across day-in and day-out on the golf course.

The management team has prepared a few questions of Rules of Golf in our quarterly newsletters for our Members. Think you know the game? Take the quiz to find our how much you know about the Rules.You can share your answers with us on Wechat for a chance to win some great rewards.

Have a great golfing and enjoy the weekend at Xili Golf and Country Club.

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