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[西丽] ExclusiveTitleistBallFittingeventatXili|西丽专场Titleist高球测评 ...

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在线会员 发表于 2017-4-21 00:00:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
ExclusiveTitleistBallFittingeventatXili|西丽专场Titleist高球测评 ...

The golf ball is the only piece of equipment you use on every shot. Our supplier Titleist, their goal is to help all golfers play better and shoot lower scores, and being fit for the right golf ball is an important part of that.
高尔夫球是唯一你在下场是每一次挥杆都要使用的装备。所以选择适合你的高尔夫球至关重要。我们的供应商Titleist, 他们的使命是帮助所有球手降低杆数,获得更好的成绩,从而享受更多高尔夫运动带来的乐趣。

ExclusiveTitleistBallFittingeventatXili|西丽专场Titleist高球测评 ...

Next week Xili Golf and Country Club has the unique opportunity to host the Titleist Golf Ball Fitting Team on Friday April 28th between 2:30 p.m. and 6:00 p.m.This is an exclusive opportunity for our members. There are a limited 4 spots open for a private session with the Titleist staff fitters on the Trackman Launch Monitor.
4月28日,下周五西丽高尔夫乡村俱乐部特别邀请了Titleist高尔夫球测评团队来球会给西丽会员进行一场专属的高尔夫球测评。珍贵的4个名额可以享受同职业选手待遇的服务,全程真草实际挥杆下 Trackman 数据测评,全程使用 Titleist 系列高尔夫球。
ExclusiveTitleistBallFittingeventatXili|西丽专场Titleist高球测评 ...

Titleist Ball Fitting 方法Titleist 使用经巡回赛认证的“从果岭到发球台”方法,利用 Trackman 进行精准的数据测评,帮你从 Titleist 全系列球款中找到最适合你的高尔夫球。这一方法,适合从世界级职业球员到所有水平的业余球手。

Titleist Ball Fitting 步骤

Step 1:Assessment and Selection 目标及偏好了解

Titleist golf ball fitting begins with an assessment of your game, your performance objectives, and your personal preferences.  

Titleist 高尔夫球测评 从了解你的目标及个人喜好开始。

ExclusiveTitleistBallFittingeventatXili|西丽专场Titleist高球测评 ...

Step 2:On Course Evaluation“从果岭到发球台” 场下实测

The Titleist Green-to-Tee fitting process involves an evaluation of all shots on the golf course, with the greatest emphasis placed on shots into and around the green.

Titleist “从果岭到发球台” 场下实测方法,涉及到对你所有不同类型击球(短杆、中距离全挥杆、长杆)时高尔夫球性能的测评,尤其侧重于进攻果岭及果岭边的击球性能测评。根据对比测评及个人偏好,为你推荐 Titleist 高尔夫球款中最适合你的高尔夫球。

ExclusiveTitleistBallFittingeventatXili|西丽专场Titleist高球测评 ...

Step 3:Play your New Ball下场实战体验

Commit to playing the golf ball you've been fitted for exclusively. Using the same model golf ball on every shot of every round eliminates performance variation, builds confidence and consistency, and will ultimately lead to you shooting lower scores.


ExclusiveTitleistBallFittingeventatXili|西丽专场Titleist高球测评 ...

If you are interested in the Titleist Ball Fitting, please contact our Pro Shop on 0755-26554033 to sign up. There are limited 4 spots available and these will fill up quickly. For those uninterested in hitting shots, or if no available appointment times remain, you are still encouraged to visit with the team and provide any feedback you have relative to how you think a golf ball can help improve your game.感兴趣的会员可以致电球会精品店报名,报名电话:0755-26554033。下场测评名额有限,仅限4名。如果您不想占用很长的时间参加测评以及您报名时名额已满。我们也非常欢迎您当天前来与我们专业的Titleist球测评团队聊聊,我们会回答您的各种问题以及给您在高尔夫球选择上提供专业的建议,相信也会对您有所帮助。

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